Terrorists = Cowards
The news from London yesterday, has put me in a real foul mood (yep, even worse than normal). The terrorist bomb attacks in the centre of my country's capital, has shown these people.......... sorry, animals.......... sorry, less than animals, to be cowards and servants of whatever evil god you believe in.
I have a lot of family in London, and after yesterday's events, I phoned home to make sure everyone I knew was OK and not caught up in the blasts.
Like the tragedy of 9/11 in New York, and more recently in Madrid, it just goes to show that these terrorists are not real men, they are cowards, less than animals, and not worthy to breath the same air as the rest of humanity. Not possessing the courage and decency to confront the actual cause of their unhappiness, they attack the civilians, the weak, and the helpless, and then they state that they were victorious.......... well, that must make their parents real proud, seeing their sons (and daughters) killing unarmed men, women and children. How proud their fellow countrymen must feel, having their neighbours plant bombs in densely populated areas, far from any miltary installations, faceless, and without the guts to show who they are.
This really pisses me off. I was absolutely shocked and full of remorse when I watched the events of 9/11 unfold on the TV. I was stunned and grieved when hearing of the Madrid blasts. And now for these fucking cowards to bomb my country, MY FUCKING COUNTRY makes me hope that true justice punishes the fucking cowards.
Al-Qaeda and other, similar, organisations can kiss my ass. Any supporters of these organisations are classed as cowards as well. If I find out about any Al-Qaeda supporters in Malaysia, I'll fucking castrate them, stuff their balls down their throats, and leave them to be eaten by rats, dogs and other shit-eating scum. There is no way that Britain and the US will ever bow down to your idiotic demands. The more shit like this that you do , just makes us stronger.
Go to hell you fuckers, you've already booked your entry ticket with your acts. Lets hope some people can speed up your arrival date.
Fucking terrorist cowards, burn in hell.