Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Too many projects, not enuff time!

Did an evaluation of all the gaming projects on the go........ way too many!! Not that I'm complaining, it's just a lot to do.

Demos for Dark Age are going well, with the new rulebook coming out soon that will have a slightly different way of playing, with improved forces and stats. Hope my CC arrives soon, coz I need to get some more figures for the new Demo sessions.

Demos for Dogs of War..... hmmm a bit behind here. Have two fire-teams to paint up and then need to run annuver demo. Some kind of stealth mission methinks.

Playtesting for Hetzerdog:

Currently painting up a 2500pt army for "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (a 6mm scale World War 2 game), and hope to have a game in a couple of weeks. Will be taking a lot of notes and piccies during that game coz I'm planning to do a Battle Report for the company so that they can use it for marketing the game when its released.

Also involved with playtesting a World War 2 skirmish game for them. Forces have around 30-40 figures per side (around small 40K size armies). Had a solo game the other day to familiarise myself with the rules. Pretty good fun! They are based on the "Babylons Burning" rules which is an post-apocolyptic skirmish game. Its looking good.

We are also playtesting a World War 1 aerial combat game for them called "Above the Trenches". Hex-based, and using an interesting system for movement and effects. The game feels like a mix between a boardgame and a tabletop game. Should be good for sales since it will appeal to both sets of gamers.

Coming soon is a World War 2 Naval game, featuring battles between battleships, cruisers and destroyers etc etc. The rules aren't quite ready for playtesting yet, but we are already looking around for figures to buy in preparation for when the file arrives in my Inbox.

I'm also (slowly) writing my own full set of rules. I have already written a supplement for Dogs of War which is approved and recognised by Devil Dog Design and also Heresy Miniatures (on whose figures the supplement is designed around). Modern forces vs Demons!!!! The full set of rules I'm in the process of doing is for a small fights, typical of bar brawls and cave encounters. Will probably have the basic game set in a historical period (maybe the days of the Musketeers) and will then add supplements to enable fantasy and sci-fi games.

I also have a HUGE backlog of figures and dioramas to make and paint, not least is my DBA New Kingdom Egyptians that have been collecting dust, half-painted on my painting table for months. Warmachine, Dark Age, Devil Dog, Rackham, Hasslefree, Heresy, Dragon, Essex, Skytrex, Adler......... the list goes on....... and yet I still buy more cool figures! Madness......... but a nice madness. I'm sure Wolf doesn't mind since most of the money goes to his shop!

I should arrange a Confrontation tournament soon, which will mean getting some of those figures painted up.

Also planning to have a Dark Age painting competition, for which I need to work with Dark Age themselves.

Too many projects, not enuff time!!!

Ain't life great?


Currently playing:
The Rasmus - "In the Shadows"


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